Event starts in


Our members have been asking us to throw a decades dance party and after years of begging, hounding and harassing, we finally buckled under the pressure to bring you “The Decades Dance Off Pants Off”!
But this is not like any OLD decades party. It’s a throwback threesome of 70s, 80’s and 90s.
Our DJ will be chomping at the bit to return to the tunes of today so if you want to keep your decade alive, you are challenged to a pants off dance off voted on by other members of the club.
The more you dance, the more we play. And if the dance floor starts dying, you might just need to come up with other creative ways to keep the DJ and audience interested. Could that be the “pants off” portion of the night…we won’t know until the audience casts their votes.
Be sure to dust off your throwback threads to get more votes, and be entered to win a free evening at Eden. A free entry will be awarded for best outfit in each decade.
In the meantime, click here to enjoy the official music video “Dance Off” by Macklemore Lewis.
Get their early to support your favorite decade. Our DJ will be playing in order of decade starting with the 70s. Then at midnight, our DJ will be switching to the latest top 40 and house tunes while you show your hottest moves on the dance floor all night long.
This event takes place on the unceded and un-surrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking people. We acknowledge the Indigenous people of past and present who have experienced a legacy of exploitation and subjugation under colonization. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Peoples who have stewarded it throughout the generations. We are committed to creating mindfulness around our roles of the past, correcting stories around practices that have erased indigenous history and culture and honoring the truth.
**For the latest details regarding our COVID 19 & vaccination policy, check here: https://www.clubeden.ca/covid19. This event will be subject to all current COVID protocols.
Dress as sexy as you DARE in preferred Eden attire or suggested theme attire. See details above.
Gov’t ID for verification. (No outside drinks permitted)
To RSVP, please login using your Eden email addy. Or, to become a member and attend our sexy parties, apply for membership today. There’s no application fee and it only takes about 3 minutes to apply. Once your membership is approved, you’ll be able to login and register for your first party. Ticket prices are inclusive of applicable membership fees.
It is your responsibility to know before you go. Please take the time to review our consent guide to understand:
How to ask
How to say NO
How to report a violation
How to help
​Consent is a community initiative. And we CAN NOT do this without your help. We have thousands of members and only a few staff. As such, we need this community to collectively help by politely reminding others of the requirement to first GET CONSENT…then get sexy.
Single gentlemen must be sponsored by and attend with a member couple or female member of the club in order to attend unless otherwise specified (ie. select hikes and community events).
And remember that we have a “wait to be invited” policy around sponsorship.
Attending any Club Eden hosted or Club Eden Sponsored event, party or function; or participating in Club Eden online activity signifies that we (and any guests we bring) have read and voluntarily agree to Club Eden’s Terms and Conditions which may change at any time and from time-to-time. You acknowledge and agree that the most current version shall apply.
